Friendly Books for Friendly Kids 4 to 10

It was a day like any other when Bunny set out for the briar. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined coming face-to-face with a walking, talking carrot. And never could he have imagined that they would become friends, but they did! Would you like to learn how? Come join them on their friendship adventure!
Bunny and Carrot Are Best Friends

Now Available on Audible
Now you can hear "Bunny and Carrot Are Best Friends" being read to you by the author, Meredith Bezak. The audio book is 16 minutes long and is complimented with the gentle sounds of birds and other nature sounds. Billy the Bee makes his debut as well!
Best of all, the story is priced at just $3.95 on Audible*.
Audible membership is NOT required to buy audio books.

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What Others Are Saying
It was a day like any other for Bunny when he set out in the Briar—that is, until he heard someone calling for help. Never in his wildest dreams could he imagine encountering a walking, talking, and crying carrot! Follow along with Bunny and Carrot as they become good friends and venture out together in the first of what promises to be many future adventures.
In Bunny and Carrot Are Best Friends, Meredith Bezak has created an appealing storyline of how two opposite personalities can become friends. She writes of a bunny who “accepts everyone for who they are” and a carrot with “quite a vivid imagination and was prone to worrying.” Readers will be able to relate well to these characters and form an understanding of how friendships can grow between two distinct personalities willing to work through their differences.
Read the rest of this review at The Children's Book Review >
We Love Our Fans and Friends!
Have you read "Bunny and Carrot Are Best Friends?" Do you love the story or have an idea for their next adventure? Now you can submit your Best Friends photo or Bunny and Carrot drawing to see it featured in our Fan Gallery.
Bonus: Download Bunny and Carrot coloring sheets for free. Come see!

It's a really great story!
Nora, Age 7

What Bunny and Carrot Teach Us About Friendship
Do you remember the last time you made a friend? Did the friendship happen right away, or did it take some time? When Bunny and Carrot first met in the garden, they were not thinking about becoming friends—but in the end, they became the best of friends. Do you want to learn how to make new friends? Bunny and Carrot have some great advice to share . . .
Written By "Mom"
The Bunny & Carrot friendship series is written and self-published by Meredith Bezak—a mom, wife, and entrepreneur. Meredith wanted to provide a way to help children learn how to build and maintain friendships, for life!
Making friends can be difficult for many of us, not just kids. But these relationships are so important for kids—not just for the joy they bring—but so they can learn how to get along as they go through life. The friendship series discusses how to make friends, disagree without breaking up, commit and more.

Artist and Illustrator of Bunny and Carrot

Meet Anastasia!
Anastasia Merzlaya lives in Norway. In addition to holding a PhD in Physics, Art has always been an important part of her life.
Anastasia has a passion for watercolors and is currently working on illustrations for many different children's books and PC games.